Try our favorite, clean protein powder: See our top pick →
Try our favorite, clean protein powder: See our top pick →
By focusing on more than just the number, we’ll show you the difference between healthy and sustainable weight loss and the other thing.
Thanks to our deep fondness for oversimplified interpretations, most of us (we’re not exempting ourselves) have held the belief at one point or another that our arteries and veins are static, rigid tunnels.
Too busy to plan your diet? Check out our guide on How to eat healthy on the go when you’re short on time.
No one enjoys the feeling of being bloated. Here’s a list of foods that reduce bloating for your next meal.
Fiber has been referred to as “nature’s broom,” and while this is accurate when it comes to how it “sweeps” food and waste through our intestines, fiber does much more than that.
In this article, we’re talking about salmon, the second most popular seafood in the United States, behind shrimp.
New research from 2024 indicates a Mediterranean diet increases life expectancy for women. Learn more about the study in our review.
The American Heart Association recently put out a press release in March 2024 claiming that intermittent fasting—specifically a 16:8 fast, or fasting for 16 hours and eating within an 8-hour window—is linked to a 91% increased risk of dying from heart disease.
In this article, we’ll give you the final word on whether or not hummus is keto-friendly—plus some options for lower-carb hummus alternatives if you’re one of the stricter keto dieters.
Sharpen your steak knives, because we’re about to slice into this primal, plant-free eating plan. The great carnivore diet debate awaits us!
What brown sugar substitute can you use when you’ve already preheated the oven and cracked the eggs, only to realize you’re fresh out?
Leaky gut—also known as increased intestinal permeability—occurs when the thin layer of cells that line the intestine becomes “leaky,” and gaps begin to grow larger and larger between the cells.
If you’re looking for a new diet or just want some new healthy recipes, this Mediterranean meal plan for beginners can help get you started.
With an abundance of fresh fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, legumes, lean protein, and fish, this clean eating meal plan can help get you started on your health journey.
Coconut aminos and soy sauce are two popular condiments in Asian cuisine—but is one healthier than the other?
Not just for hippie granola and growing chia pets anymore, chia seeds and flaxseeds are nutrient-dense powerhouses that may aid weight loss and improve health.
Meaning “long life,” the macrobiotic diet emphasizes plant-based foods that promote yin-yang balance—but what exactly can you eat on this diet?
Combi ovens use a unique combination of steam and convection capabilities that can open up a whole new world of at-home cooking and baking.
Now that you’ve started sous vide cooking, you may wonder which accessories you need to go along with it—try out these top ten to go from sous vide amateur to expert.
If you have IBS or unexplained gastrointestinal symptoms, the low FODMAP diet may improve your digestive troubles.
Take a deep dive into the nutritional and culinary pros and cons of canola oil and olive oil (spoiler alert: olive oil is the winner).
Experts tend to agree that avocado oil and olive oil are two of the healthiest fats we can use for cooking—but does one outperform the other?
Thanks to increased affordability and accessibility, sous vide cooking has many advantages that make it a worthwhile—and impressive—appliance.
In our Primal Kitchen review, we graded their better-for-you condiments, dressings, and supplements based on taste, ingredient quality, and more.
“Sous vide” may sound like some obscure foody term on the surface, but according to Anova, you don’t have to be a certified gourmand to appreciate the benefits of this highly precise cooking method.
Plants don’t have skin and bones and muscles, so vegan collagen doesn’t exist, right? Just a few years ago, this statement would have been (mostly) true, but today, there actually is a way to source this structural protein in its complete form from vegan-friendly foods.
Whether you’ve been shoved into a sedentary lifestyle by the pandemic or if you’re a veteran desk rider like us, you may have noticed a few unwelcome changes in your physique after making the transition to a sedentary job and/or lifestyle.
Both newspaper and lighter fluid are flammable, but throw each one onto a campfire, and you’ll get two noticeably different results.
Dieting to enhance fullness (with less/healthier food) is an overlooked, but very useful method that anyone can use to lose weight and replace unhealthy food with much better alternatives.
In an era of TV remotes with built-in bottle openers and self-twirling pasta forks, it’s no surprise that we’ve become too lazy to chew.
Unlike the fifteen radio ads for “super fat burner 3000” pelting your ears on every commute, you won’t hear any arguments for plain old water as a weight loss tool.
For diabetics, the knee-jerk reaction of swearing off sweets altogether can be problematic for a number of reasons.
It may seem like a relatively new issue, but really, the dieting vs intuitive eating debate is just the latest incarnation of an age-old dilemma: is it better to plow through obstacles or go around them?
While the real heroes of Greek and North mythology sustained themselves on nectar, ambrosia, and mead, modern-day actors on the superhero diet have to settle for considerably less elysian fare—think grilled chicken, and lots of it.
The very existence (not to mention, empirically proven success) of the longevity diet requires many of us to refresh our own understanding of aging, which is not a function of time alone.
“X thing you love causes cancer” is quickly entering The Boy Who Cried Wolf territory—we’ve all heard it so many times that we are becoming jaded.
Nutrition is for losing belly fat, and overpriced, medicated goop is for hair loss—that’s how most of us are conditioned to think.
Practitioners and teachers of true breatharianism do not believe in eating food or drinking water; they believe that they can survive on “prana” (the Hindu concept of energy or lifeblood) provided from solar rays, the air, and the energy around them.
We often stress the importance of seeking out the healthiest versions of wrongfully stigmatized nutrients (i.e., fat and carbs) instead of avoiding them, a concept that the Mediterranean diet embodies perfectly.
Intermittent fasting typifies this concept to the letter, as the diet’s somewhat polarizing debut (or rather, comeback) in recent years played over a clattering din of celebrity support on social media, a wave of fitness and nutrition books, and other highly visible mentions.
There’s something disarming about seeing the word “corn,” “safflower,” or “vegetable” sandwiched between fifteen-letter-long preservatives on food labels, which is one reason why unhealthy vegetable oils have evaded serious criticism for so long.
The raw-egg-swilling, beef-battering protagonist of the beloved Rocky franchise may have meant well, but as it turns out, the raw egg scene turned classic trope was all for not.
Fat gets a bad rap, mainly because it’s oversimplified.
Even if your seafood aversion requires a generous shellacking of tartar sauce every time you can’t avoid eating fish, we can’t emphasize enough how important it is to have fish at least a few times a month.
Unfortunately, most lye-cured olives have been sapped of a sizable portion of their nutrients by the time they get anywhere near your table, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still reap the health benefits of this ancient fruit.
What is pilates? Learn more about this popular workout style and its benefits to your health.
What is yoga? Learn more about this popular workout style today and discover how doing yoga can make you healthier.
Yoga vs pilates – which workout is right for you? Learn more about these two workout styles to choose the right style for you. Although many of their benefits overlap—including improved flexibility, increased muscle strength, and better mental health—they provide slightly different advantages.
Should you eat before working out? Check out our guide on how to prepare for your daily workout to maximize your health.
Contrary to popular belief, strength training isn’t just about building muscle to look good on the beach or become the next Mr. or Ms. Olympia.
When it comes to sports nutrition, there sure is a lot of bunk out there to wade through. However, one supplement you can lean on as a tried and true method to improve exercise performance and build bigger muscles in the gym is creatine monohydrate.
If you’re short on post-workout fuel ideas, we’ve got you covered here with 11 easy meals, with options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
While many protein powders on the shelves are marketed towards men, women are in need of the muscle-building macronutrient, too. In addition to boosting muscle mass, protein is critical for increasing satiety, maintaining a healthy body weight, and supporting immunity.
There is evidence that BCAAs can benefit muscle mass and recovery—and some benefits that go beyond the gym.
Coasting to prominence on the hype-filled train that is fitness supplement marketing, the popularizing of turkesterone is playing out ever-so predictably.
We’ve evaluated the best pre-workout for women and have narrowed it down to eight contenders. Pick the one that best fits your needs and budget.
We’ve evaluated the best creatine supplements and have narrowed it down to five contenders. Pick the one that best fits your needs and budget.
Whether you’ve been shoved into a sedentary lifestyle by the pandemic or if you’re a veteran desk rider like us, you may have noticed a few unwelcome changes in your physique after making the transition to a sedentary job and/or lifestyle.
Thanks to our deep fondness for oversimplified interpretations, most of us (we’re not exempting ourselves) have held the belief at one point or another that our arteries and veins are static, rigid tunnels.
In the same way that chemistry students create reactions using a variety of compounds, our bodies rely on a special roster of positively and negatively charged minerals to execute a wide variety of internal “reactions,” or functions.
Creatine monohydrate is one of the most well-studied and effective supplements available on the market for improving athletic performance, building muscle, and even improving brain health.
With so many useless dietary supplements on the market and misleading claims about diet, exercise, and nutrition out there, it can seem hard to believe that there’s even one good product worth taking.
When it comes to sports nutrition, there sure is a lot of bunk out there to wade through. However, one supplement you can lean on as a tried and true method to improve exercise performance and build bigger muscles in the gym is creatine monohydrate.
Creatine is an amazing compound that provides a variety of benefits for athletes. However, we don’t consume or synthesize it in spades.
Grab your shaker bottle and favorite protein powder, because we’re about to make protein shakes exciting again with this collection of tips and tricks for mixing up your protein powder routine.
We’ll cover (almost) everything about protein powder: its health benefits, how much protein to eat daily, and the types of protein powders.
In this article, we’ll explain how to figure out the total amount of protein you need per day to reach your goals. This will help inform how much protein powder you need to reach your total protein intake.
If you’re short on post-workout fuel ideas, we’ve got you covered here with 11 easy meals, with options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
To provide you with the best DHEA supplements and brands out there for both men and women, we’ve created a list of our top seven picks.
In this list of the 8 best protein powders for muscle gain, we factor in everything from probiotics to protein-by-dry-weight ratio to bring you the most effective supplements.
Here’s our list of the seven cleanest protein powders out there, including vegan options, isolates, whey protein, and more.
Check out our list of the six best BCAA supplements for women plus the best BCAAs for a post-recovery blend, weight loss, good value, and more.
In this list of the 6 best BCAA supplements for men, we’ll point out the key quality differentiators that divide the leading products from the so-so.
We scoured the plant-based world for the best vegan protein powder, and these five offer clean protein sources, essential amino acids, and surprisingly good taste.
We’ve evaluated the best whey protein powders and have narrowed it down to five contenders. Pick the one that best fits your needs and budget.
We’ve evaluated the best tasting protein powders and have narrowed it down to six contenders. Pick the one that best fits your needs and budget.
We’ve evaluated the best protein powder and have narrowed it down to six contenders. Pick the one that best fits your needs and budget.
While many protein powders on the shelves are marketed towards men, women are in need of the muscle-building macronutrient, too. In addition to boosting muscle mass, protein is critical for increasing satiety, maintaining a healthy body weight, and supporting immunity.
Bovine collagen is one of the most abundant forms of collagen, providing four primary benefits in multiple forms with few side effects.
L-lysine helps build proteins, but research is continuing to uncover and confirm more benefits, including anxiety management and inflammation control.
There is evidence that BCAAs can benefit muscle mass and recovery—and some benefits that go beyond the gym.
Coasting to prominence on the hype-filled train that is fitness supplement marketing, the popularizing of turkesterone is playing out ever-so predictably.
It’s that time of year when we find ourselves echoing that fateful warning forever crystallized by Game of Thrones: Winter is coming.
We’ve got 15 of the best high protein snacks to help you gain muscle and feel full, including vegan and vegetarian, portable, or homemade options.
We’ve evaluated the best creatine for women and have narrowed it down to five contenders. Pick the one that best fits your needs and budget.
We’ve evaluated the best pre-workout for women and have narrowed it down to eight contenders. Pick the one that best fits your needs and budget.
We’ve evaluated the best creatine supplements and have narrowed it down to five contenders. Pick the one that best fits your needs and budget.
We’ve evaluated the best collagen powder and have narrowed it down to five contenders. Pick the one that best fits your needs and budget.
Plants don’t have skin and bones and muscles, so vegan collagen doesn’t exist, right? Just a few years ago, this statement would have been (mostly) true, but today, there actually is a way to source this structural protein in its complete form from vegan-friendly foods.
Are consumers being baited with the “just slap a technical-sounding keyword in front of an established product to revitalize sales” method?
It’s not just the number on the scale that can affect heart disease and diabetes risk, longevity, and other indicators of overall health, but how you get there.
Thanks to our deep fondness for oversimplified interpretations, most of us (we’re not exempting ourselves) have held the belief at one point or another that our arteries and veins are static, rigid tunnels.
While the real heroes of Greek and North mythology sustained themselves on nectar, ambrosia, and mead, modern-day actors on the superhero diet have to settle for considerably less elysian fare—think grilled chicken, and lots of it.
Intermittent fasting typifies this concept to the letter, as the diet’s somewhat polarizing debut (or rather, comeback) in recent years played over a clattering din of celebrity support on social media, a wave of fitness and nutrition books, and other highly visible mentions.
It’s hard to preach the perils of being underweight as the phrase “obesity epidemic” ages into its fourth decade, but still, weighing too little can pose serious health risks in both short-term and long-term scenarios.
Grab your shaker bottle and favorite protein powder, because we’re about to make protein shakes exciting again with this collection of tips and tricks for mixing up your protein powder routine.
We’ve evaluated the best electrolyte powders and drinks and have narrowed it down to six contenders. Pick the one that best fits your needs and budget.
Here’s our list of the seven cleanest protein powders out there, including vegan options, isolates, whey protein, and more.
In this list of the 6 best BCAA supplements for men, we’ll point out the key quality differentiators that divide the leading products from the so-so.
We scoured the plant-based world for the best vegan protein powder, and these five offer clean protein sources, essential amino acids, and surprisingly good taste.
We’ve evaluated the best whey protein powders and have narrowed it down to five contenders. Pick the one that best fits your needs and budget.
We’ve evaluated the best tasting protein powders and have narrowed it down to six contenders. Pick the one that best fits your needs and budget.
We’ve evaluated the best protein powder and have narrowed it down to six contenders. Pick the one that best fits your needs and budget.
While many protein powders on the shelves are marketed towards men, women are in need of the muscle-building macronutrient, too. In addition to boosting muscle mass, protein is critical for increasing satiety, maintaining a healthy body weight, and supporting immunity.
Bovine collagen is one of the most abundant forms of collagen, providing four primary benefits in multiple forms with few side effects.
There is evidence that BCAAs can benefit muscle mass and recovery—and some benefits that go beyond the gym.
Natural muscle relaxers can alleviate the pain associated with tight muscles consistently and effectively when used correctly.
Coasting to prominence on the hype-filled train that is fitness supplement marketing, the popularizing of turkesterone is playing out ever-so predictably.
It’s that time of year when we find ourselves echoing that fateful warning forever crystallized by Game of Thrones: Winter is coming.
We’ve got 15 of the best high protein snacks to help you gain muscle and feel full, including vegan and vegetarian, portable, or homemade options.
We’ve evaluated the best electrolyte powders and drinks and have narrowed it down to six contenders. Pick the one that best fits your needs and budget.
We’ve evaluated the best turmeric supplements and have narrowed it down to five contenders. Pick the one that best fits your needs and budget.
Plants don’t have skin and bones and muscles, so vegan collagen doesn’t exist, right? Just a few years ago, this statement would have been (mostly) true, but today, there actually is a way to source this structural protein in its complete form from vegan-friendly foods.
Are consumers being baited with the “just slap a technical-sounding keyword in front of an established product to revitalize sales” method?
Anyone who has taken more than one hiatus from exercise knows that it’s not that first return workout that you should be afraid of, but the day after.
Intermittent fasting typifies this concept to the letter, as the diet’s somewhat polarizing debut (or rather, comeback) in recent years played over a clattering din of celebrity support on social media, a wave of fitness and nutrition books, and other highly visible mentions.
In the same way that chemistry students create reactions using a variety of compounds, our bodies rely on a special roster of positively and negatively charged minerals to execute a wide variety of internal “reactions,” or functions.
If you’re starting or about to start a weight loss journey, you’ve probably heard of the weight loss method called “calories in, calories out,” also known as CICO. But what is CICO?
Looking forward to a summer trip? Learn why you might lose weight in Europe during your travels.
you’ve probably heard from healthcare providers, movie stars and influencers, and even your well-meaning friends and neighbors that Ozempic could be the answer.
Grab your shaker bottle and favorite protein powder, because we’re about to make protein shakes exciting again with this collection of tips and tricks for mixing up your protein powder routine.
Let’s dive into what the Dr. Now diet is, the pros and cons of it, and what foods to eat or avoid on this diet plan.
We’ve got you covered with the seven best protein bars you can buy today for their organic, low sugar, and no-artificial-anything ingredients formulated into healthy and delicious protein bars.
To provide you with the best DHEA supplements and brands out there for both men and women, we’ve created a list of our top seven picks.
In this guide to the 8 best greens powders on the market today, we’ll highlight what you should look for in a greens supplement, from digestive health and fiber blends to high-quality organic greens.
We’ve got you covered with 14 of the most filling low-calorie foods—some of them may surprise you (like popcorn)!
Check out our list of the six best BCAA supplements for women plus the best BCAAs for a post-recovery blend, weight loss, good value, and more.
We’ve evaluated the best protein powder and have narrowed it down to six contenders. Pick the one that best fits your needs and budget.
While many protein powders on the shelves are marketed towards men, women are in need of the muscle-building macronutrient, too. In addition to boosting muscle mass, protein is critical for increasing satiety, maintaining a healthy body weight, and supporting immunity.
In recent years, people have looked to ashwagandha for weight loss—but can it really work?
All-natural fat burners just may make the difference between a metabolic stalemate and that long-awaited moment when the numbers start going down.
There is evidence that BCAAs can benefit muscle mass and recovery—and some benefits that go beyond the gym.
Not all natural appetite suppressants are created equal—so here are 8 that actually work.
Known for its deep blue-purple color, butterfly pea flower is a commonly used ingredient in cocktails, teas, and beauty products.
We’ve evaluated the best creatine for women and have narrowed it down to five contenders. Pick the one that best fits your needs and budget.
We’ve evaluated the best bone broths and have narrowed it down to eight contenders. Pick the one that best fits your needs and budget.
Here’s how Perfect Keto earned their A- in our review, including conversations with onboard nutrition science researcher Chris Irvin.
Learn how brown fat can be a secret weapon for weight loss.
These impressive herbs and plants regulate the body’s stress response, which translates to better health in several ways—including promoting a healthy body weight.
Once considered a useless byproduct, coffee fruit actually has ample antioxidant activity with brain-boosting and fat-fighting potential.
Whether you’ve been shoved into a sedentary lifestyle by the pandemic or if you’re a veteran desk rider like us, you may have noticed a few unwelcome changes in your physique after making the transition to a sedentary job and/or lifestyle.
Both newspaper and lighter fluid are flammable, but throw each one onto a campfire, and you’ll get two noticeably different results.
Dieting to enhance fullness (with less/healthier food) is an overlooked, but very useful method that anyone can use to lose weight and replace unhealthy food with much better alternatives.
In an era of TV remotes with built-in bottle openers and self-twirling pasta forks, it’s no surprise that we’ve become too lazy to chew.
Unlike the fifteen radio ads for “super fat burner 3000” pelting your ears on every commute, you won’t hear any arguments for plain old water as a weight loss tool.
Recognizing the connection between weight status and insulin resistance is a start, but understanding the actual mechanics involved provides a crucial defense against diabetes.
It may seem like a relatively new issue, but really, the dieting vs intuitive eating debate is just the latest incarnation of an age-old dilemma: is it better to plow through obstacles or go around them?
The very existence (not to mention, empirically proven success) of the longevity diet requires many of us to refresh our own understanding of aging, which is not a function of time alone.
Intermittent fasting typifies this concept to the letter, as the diet’s somewhat polarizing debut (or rather, comeback) in recent years played over a clattering din of celebrity support on social media, a wave of fitness and nutrition books, and other highly visible mentions.
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