Best Nootropics for Studying


From the small things, like remembering you need milk at the grocery store, to the bigger things, like acing a test or completing a complex project at work, we rely on cognitive processes to get us through our days. 

Students tend to face more intense cognitive demands than at other stages of life, especially during periods of high stress and workload, like midterm or final exams. 

Many of the critical aspects of studying—like memory, comprehension, learning abilities, and perception—come from complicated networks of neural activity and processing. 

But our brain activity isn’t set in stone—we can alter our cognitive performance with various compounds, including nootropics. 

Although it may sound like something out of the movie Limitless, many nootropics are safe, have been widely studied over the past few decades, and won’t cause those terrifying side effects that Bradley Cooper experienced.

In this article, learn more about what nootropic supplements are, how they can work for students, and the top seven best nootropics for studying.

Top 7 Best Nootropics for Studying

In this section, we’ll take a closer look at the top seven best nootropics for focus primarily based on natural sources, including plants, herbs, or those naturally produced in the body. 

1. Qualia Mind

Qualia Mind nootropic

Instead of taking one single nootropic, some people recommend nootropic stacks—a combination of substances that tend to complement each other. 

One such nootropic stack is Qualia’s Qualia Mind, which contains 28 brain-boosting ingredients.  

While we won’t get into all 28 ingredients, some of the most well-backed by research include phosphatidylserine, Bacopa monnieri, ginkgo biloba extract, L-theanine, acetyl-L-carnitine, and Cognizin citicoline—for a deeper dive into these compounds, keep reading later on in this article.

Qualia Mind has been shown to be effective for memory, focus, and alertness, making it an ideal supplement for students or anyone else who needs to focus on complex tasks for an extended period of time. 

Plus, many of the compounds found in this nootropic supplement are found in highly absorbable forms, which can enhance bioavailability and efficacy.

2. Onnit Alpha Brain

Onnit Alpha brain

Onnit’s Alpha Brain is another loaded nootropic stack that claims it works in rhythm with your brain’s existing “processing circuitry” to facilitate focus, memory, and cognition.

Some notable ingredients in Alpha Brain include L-theanine, phosphatidylserine, alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine (alpha-GPC), Huperzia Serrata, and Bacopa monnieri.

Briefly, these compounds support alpha brain wave activity, facilitate neuron signaling and growth, and promote the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine to facilitate learning and memory.

In addition to their flagship Alpha Brain capsules, Onnit also offers a variety of other nootropic products, including their Focus Shots, Black Label, and Instant varieties. 

3. TruBrain Drinks

TruBrain Drinks

If you’d rather sip your nootropics, another product is TruBrain Drinks, which are UCLA neuroscientist-designed 1oz shots filled with amino acids, minerals, and nootropic compounds. 

With three strengths (Medium, Strong, and Extra-Strong) and two flavors (Mushrooms and Matcha), TruBrain’s primary ingredients include L-theanine, citicoline, and tyrosine. 

However, all formulations except for Mushrooms contain caffeine and Noopept—a synthetic “smart drug” compound. 

Additionally, the “Extra Strong” shot also contains adrafinil—a precursor compound to modafinil, another synthetic smart drug that is prescription-only in the United States. 

As authors of a paper published in the American Journal of Psychiatry state, “There is a clear risk associated with adrafinil usage, owing to the side effects that are reportedly associated with comorbidities, overuse, and cross-reactivity with other medications.” 

So, although TruBrain Drinks are well-rated, sticking to the “Medium” or “Mushrooms” formulas may be the safest bet for supporting focus and cognition without potential adverse effects. 

4. Genius Consciousness

Genius Consciousness nootropic

From the Genius Brand, the Genius Consciousness brain supplement powder comes in either mango or watermelon flavors with several trademarked nootropic ingredients. 

Notably, some of these trademarked compounds include AlphaSize a-GPC (which increases brain acetylcholine levels), the plant alkaloid methylliberine that activates dopamine receptors, SerinAid phosphatidylserine, and NeuroFactor, which is caffeinated and made from the whole coffee plant.

The powder also contains the functional mushroom lion’s mane, which is thought to boost memory and cognitive function, and Panax ginseng, an adaptogenic plant that may increase energy. 

5. Natures Craft Neuro Health

Neuro Health nootropic

One of the most affordable nootropics on this list, Natures Craft Neuro Health is a capsule-based brain and focus supplement with a 4.3 out of 5 rating from over 14,500 reviews. 

This nootropic could also double as a multivitamin and mineral supplement, as it contains 21 micronutrients and over a dozen compounds related to brain health. 

With ingredients like green tea extract, phosphatidylserine, Bacopa monnieri, the neurotransmitter GABA, and DMAE—a compound found in fatty fish that may enhance mood, memory, and brain function—Natures Craft provides a natural nootropic supplement for men and women of all ages.

6. Life Extension Quick Brain Nootropic

life extension quick brain nootropic

Another reasonably priced nootropic, Life Extension Quick Brain is designed to help you “think fast” with several unique brain-boosting ingredients. 

Life Extension Quick Brain contains gotu kola extract (a nootropic plant for memory), Bacopa monnieri, and marigold extract, which is loaded with the carotenoid antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin that support both vision and brain health. 

This product is certified non-GMO and gluten-free and provides a Certificate of Analysis, which is not always a given in the supplement world. 

7. Vital Vitamins Brain Booster

Brain Booster nootropic

Last but not least, Vital Vitamins Brain Booster is a caffeine- and stimulant-free, plant-based nootropic supplement to give you clarity without the crash. 

Some standout ingredients in this formulation include ginkgo biloba, Bacopa monnieri, and Rhodiola rosea—an adaptogen that helps reduce stress. 

Vital Vitamins also contains phosphatidylserine and plenty of vitamin B12 (over 20,000% of your daily recommended dose), and DMAE for optimal brain support.

Natural Nootropic Compounds: A Look at the Evidence

Best Nootropics for Studying

Bacopa monnieri

Bacopa monnieri (also known as Brahmi or water hyssop) is an herb historically used in Ayurvedic healing practices from India for supporting memory, mood, and cognition. 

The primary active compounds in Bacopa are bacosides A and B, which support neuronal health by providing antioxidant activity, increasing blood flow in the brain, and modulating essential neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. 

Bacopa also functions as a nootropic by activating choline acetyltransferase, the enzyme that prompts the synthesis of acetylcholine—a neurotransmitter that regulates neuron activity and firing, as well as synaptic plasticity. 

Many nootropics like Bacopa are considered cholinergic drugs, meaning they enhance or mimic the activity of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

In a study of healthy adults, those who supplemented with 300mg of Bacopa per day for three months had significantly improved visual information processing, learning, and memory recall. 

A systematic review of six clinical studies concluded that “Bacopa could potentially be clinically prescribed as a memory enhancer” even in cognitively normal adults, suggesting its use as a good nootropic for studying. 

However, unlike other nootropics like caffeine, the effects of Bacopa monnieri are not felt immediately—it works best as a cognitive enhancer when taken regularly for several weeks or months.

Research thus far suggests that Bacopa exhibits low toxicity in both humans and animals, although long-term studies have yet to be performed.

Reported side effects of taking Bacopa on an empty stomach may include nausea, cramping, bloating, or diarrhea.   


Likely the most well-known substance on this list, caffeine is both a nootropic and an energizing stimulant that wakes you up.

When used in moderation, caffeine can improve reaction time, alertness, memory, and mood—which is why it’s the most widely used psychoactive compound in the world, utilized by 85% of the population.

Caffeine is known as an adenosine receptor antagonist, which is how it promotes wakefulness; it also regulates acetylcholine, epinephrine (adrenaline), and serotonin activity to boost mood and alertness.

Keep in mind that higher doses of caffeine can cause side effects—like anxiety, jitters, and gastrointestinal issues—as well as withdrawal symptoms.


L-theanine is an amino acid found primarily in green tea and matcha that promotes a wakeful relaxation—a peaceful brain state that puts you into “flow.”  

This compound acts as a nootropic by enhancing alpha brain waves, which create calm and focused concentration without causing drowsiness or fatigue. 

L-theanine is also a cognitive enhancer because it increases BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) production—a growth factor that stimulates new neuron growth and survival in the adult brain.

Consuming L-theanine in combination with caffeine—like how it’s found naturally in green tea or by adding supplemental L-theanine to your coffee routine—augments the beneficial effects on cognition and focus. 

In a study of young adults with an average age of 21, combining 97mg of L-theanine with 40mg of caffeine significantly improved their accuracy during task switching, increased their self-reported alertness, and reduced task-induced fatigue. 

Similarly, a study of older adults found that taking a single dose of 100mg of L-theanine reduced the reaction time to attention tasks, increased the number of correct answers on a test of processing speed, and decreased the number of errors in working memory tasks. 

CDP-Choline (Citicoline)

CDP-choline—also known as citicoline—is a compound that breaks down into choline, a vitamin-like substance that is required to produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. 

As acetylcholine plays a vital role in regulating memory, mood, and cognition, CDP-choline is thought to be a nootropic compound. 

CDP-choline has also shown neuroprotective effects because choline is a crucial part of neuronal cell membranes, which can help protect the brain from damage or injury.

In a study of adult women, supplementing with 250mg of CDP-choline for 28 days led to significant improvements in attentional performance with fewer errors on a neuropsychological test compared to those taking a placebo or 500mg of CDP-choline.

Similarly, adolescent males who supplemented with a clinically tested form of CDP-choline called Cognizin citicoline had increased accuracy, improved attention and psychomotor speed, and reduced impulsivity compared to males taking a placebo.

Ginkgo Biloba

The plant ginkgo biloba is a powerful antioxidant that has been used for millennia in traditional Chinese medicine.

Ginkgo biloba extract acts as a nootropic by boosting mental alertness, improving cerebral blood circulation, and increasing dopamine levels in the brain.

Some research has shown that supplementing with ginkgo biloba extract supports memory, cognitive function, and recall abilities—especially in people who are already showing signs of memory loss. 

While some people anecdotally report immediate nootropic effects of ginkgo biloba, others may require several weeks of supplementation before the active compounds take effect.

However, while ginkgo biloba is generally considered safe, more clinical research in humans is warranted, as many studies have produced inconsistent results thus far.


Acetyl L-carnitine (sometimes called ALCAR) is an amino acid that enhances fat uptake across the mitochondrial membranes of our cells. 

It can cross the blood-brain barrier, providing our brains with ample energy from dietary fat to enhance cognitive processes. 

Research shows that acetyl L-carnitine strengthens cell membranes, supports acetylcholine production, and increases the production of neuron growth proteins like BDNF.  


Phosphatidylserine is a fatty compound known as a phospholipid—a crucial component of the cell membranes in our brain and nervous system. 

It supports brain health by facilitating communication and transmission between nerve cells, protecting the coating around nerves known as myelin, and modulating the activity of neurotransmitters like dopamine and acetylcholine.

Because of these essential functions, phosphatidylserine benefits alertness, communication, problem-solving, language, and memory. 

In a study of older adults, supplementing with 100mg of phosphatidylserine for six months improved memory function, especially delayed verbal recall.

What Are Nootropics? 

The word “nootropic” is derived from the ancient Greek words “nous,” which means mind, and “tropein,” which means to bend or turn. 

Also referred to as “smart drugs” or “cognitive enhancers,” these compounds claim to boost cognitive function, including focus, memory, creativity, or motivation.

Some natural nootropics have been used for thousands of years, but the term wasn’t coined until the 1960s when Dr. Corneliu Giurgea accidentally created one of the first synthetic nootropics—piracetam—when attempting to make a new sleeping pill.

Dr. Guirgea outlined five specific conditions for a compound or drug to be called a nootropic: 

  • It enhances or improves memory
  • It improves behavior under adverse conditions
  • It protects the brain from injury by physical or chemical means
  • It improves cortical and subcortical control mechanisms, which are involved with ​​ complex brain actions like memory, emotion, consciousness, thought, reasoning, language, and hormone production
  • It has a low toxicity and side-effect profile

Today, nootropics are simply considered substances that enhance mental function and generally fall into three categories: dietary or natural supplements, synthetic compounds, and prescription drugs.

What About Synthetic Smart Drugs?

While the previous seven compounds are all-natural, plant-based, or already produced in the human body, there are also several human-made substances commonly referred to as synthetic nootropics or smart drugs. 

The three most common synthetic nootropics are: 

  • Modafinil: This is a prescription drug used to treat narcolepsy that has stimulatory effects similar to amphetamines. While studies show modafinil enhances cognitive performance and significantly reduces fatigue, it can cause adverse side effects, dependence in some people, and withdrawal—especially at high doses. 
  • Piracetam: Piracetam is the first known synthesized nootropic and is a derivative of the neurotransmitter GABA. Although it’s available over-the-counter in the United States, some countries require a prescription. Research with animals indicates that piracetam boosts cognitive function by increasing brain blood flow and making neuronal cell membranes more fluid. However, recent research in humans is lacking.  
  • Noopept: Noopept is similar to piracetam but has a much lower effective dose, and the effects can often be felt within minutes. It acts as a nootropic by increasing BDNF levels and has low reported side effects, but studies testing Noopept’s abilities and safety are limited. 

Keep in mind that it is definitely recommended to speak with your health care provider before starting to take one of these synthetic nootropics—especially modafinil, which you would need a prescription for.  

FAQs About Nootropics for Studying

Do Nootropics Work for Studying?

Nootropics are thought to work for many cognitive activities, including studying.  

From cramming for exams to completing frustrating group projects to writing essays on a deadline, students need to use various cognitive processes all semester long. 

Nootropics may help students face these intense cognitive demands, as these smart drugs can benefit attention, memory, focus, executive function, learning, comprehension, emotion, and self-awareness.

In addition to students, nootropics are commonly used by working professionals in complex or high-powered jobs, creative workers, people with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), athletes, or just about anyone wanting to live a cognitively enhanced life. 

What Is the Best Nootropic Stack for Studying? 

Instead of taking one single nootropic, some people recommend nootropic stacks—a combination of nootropic substances that tend to complement each other. 

One such nootropic stack is Qualia’s Qualia Mind, which contains 28 brain-boosting ingredients, including phosphatidylserine, Bacopa monnieri, ginkgo biloba extract, L-theanine, acetyl-L-carnitine, and Cognizin citicoline. 

Another way to boost the effectiveness of single nootropic compounds is by adding B vitamins or vitamin C, which are necessary for proper acetylcholine production and neuron signaling, respectively. 

Similarly, vitamin B12 is a cofactor needed to synthesize the neurotransmitters dopamine, GABA, norepinephrine, and serotonin. 

Some people who take nootropics without adequate amounts of these vitamins will have subpar cognitive results. 

Are Nootropics Good for Studying?

Yes, many nootropics are good for studying—depending on the compound, nootropics are known to support cognitive function, memory, alertness, learning abilities, and comprehension. 

Which Nootropic Is Best for Memory?

There is no one best nootropic for memory, but the compounds with the greatest amount of evidence-based research include:

● Phosphatidylserine 
● Bacopa monnieri
● CDP-choline 

Which Nootropics Help With Focus?

Many of the nootropics in this article are thought to help with focus, including:

● L-theanine
● Caffeine 
● CDP-choline 
● Phosphatidylserine

The synthetic nootropics modafinil, piracetam, and Noopept are also known to increase focus more quickly than natural nootropics.

What Is the Most Powerful Nootropic?

The most powerful nootropics will be synthetic smart drugs, but these carry a higher risk of adverse effects, which is why they often require a prescription. 

Convesely, many natural nootropics also have potent effects—especially when stacked with multiple compounds—with fewer side effects. 

In the short-term, caffeine combined with L-theanine can be a strong nootropic. 

Over weeks or months, the nootropics Bacopa, CDP-choline, acetyl-L-carnitine, and ginkgo biloba can also provide powerful cognitive enhancements. 

Can Nootropics Be Harmful?

Yes, taking nootropics in excessively high doses can be harmful and cause adverse effects, including gastrointestinal issues, dizziness, insomnia, high blood pressure, fast heart rate, and restlessness.

Natural nootropics tend to have fewer potential side effects than synthetic smart drugs, but neither should be taken in higher-than-recommended doses. 

Due to their actions on the brain and nervous system, people taking psychiatric or neurological medications like SSRIs or MAO inhibitors should not take nootropics. 

Key Takeaways

  • Nootropics are compounds—both natural and synthetic—that enhance cognitive function in some way, including focus, memory, alertness, creativity, or motivation.
  • Some nootropics work best in the short-term, like caffeine with L-theanine, while many others boost brain function over time.
  • The top seven natural nootropics are Bacopa monnieri, L-theanine, caffeine, CDP-choline (citicoline), ginkgo biloba, acetyl-L-carnitine, and phosphatidylserine.

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Mix JA, Crews WD Jr. A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial of Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761 in a sample of cognitively intact older adults: neuropsychological findings. Hum Psychopharmacol. 2002;17(6):267-277. doi:10.1002/hup.412

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