If breakfast can taste like dessert (and this chocolate chia pudding certainly does), count us in!
Chia seeds are tiny, unassuming seeds you’ve likely heard about in the nutrition community over recent years. How can such a small seed be such a big deal?
“You can’t judge a book by its cover” has never been more appropriate. These seeds, though small, are full of fiber, antioxidants, and are rather satisfying when transformed into a pudding!
Simplicity is the name of the game. All you need are 3 ingredients and a little bit of patience as this will need to set in the refrigerator for a minimum of 4 hours.
Chocolate chia seed pudding is the perfect make-ahead breakfast to treat yourself to this week. It’s chocolate pudding for breakfast! What are you waiting for?
Chocolate Chia Pudding Recipe
Chocolate Chia Pudding
Perfect for breakfast or dessert, our chocolate chia pudding is satisfyingly sweet and nutritious. Including only four ingredients, it will only take you a few minutes to prep. Then put it in overnight and you have your new favorite breakfast. Feel free to add your favorite toppings like peanut butter or chocolate chips or substitute almond milk for coconut milk or oat milk. Enjoy!
Not a fan of ginger’s strong flavor? The lemon juice, orange juice, and honey create a perfect balance that we think even a ginger skeptic can appreciate.
Food is for physical wellness, and pharmaceutical products are for mental health conditions—that’s where most of us land when it comes to nutrition psychiatry.
Nutrition is understandably not priority one in the chaotic moments immediately following a traumatic brain injury (TBI), but as soon as the patient is stable, nutrition therapy shares center stage with other key tenets of TBI rehabilitation.
Normally, we’re content to bounce around new and/or controversial theories on nutritional concepts all day, but every so often, we have the luxury of seeing in black and white.
This may seem like a fun-killing exercise at first, but we’re not interested in coddling or pandering to our readers, so let’s get the harsh reality out of the way: most of us haven’t earned the right to binge on vacation.