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Try our favorite, clean protein powder: See our top pick →
When inflammation becomes a state, and not a protective response, the body tends to react poorly.
May 20, 2021While it may be convenient to put each health concern in a box, focusing on one treatment at a time, the diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD) connection provides an important lesson: the human body doesn’t work that way.
May 20, 2021Recognizing the connection between weight status and insulin resistance is a start, but understanding the actual mechanics involved provides a crucial defense against diabetes.
May 18, 2021Chemotherapy and surgery may currently preside as the most effective treatments for cancer, but they can’t do what nutrition therapy can—they can’t (reasonably) prevent the cancer from forming in the first place.
May 8, 2021For diabetics, the knee-jerk reaction of swearing off sweets altogether can be problematic for a number of reasons.
May 7, 2021In the chemotherapy patient’s personal war against cancer, every ounce of control they can wrestle away from the disease is a victory that can contribute to brighter outcomes—especially when it means they can eat foods they enjoy again.
May 7, 2021Fear has a way of dimming the details, but it’s in the details that health-conscious people looking to reduce their cancer risk can find success.
May 7, 2021Nutrition is understandably not priority one in the chaotic moments immediately following a traumatic brain injury (TBI), but as soon as the patient is stable, nutrition therapy shares center stage with other key tenets of TBI rehabilitation.
May 6, 2021Food is for physical wellness, and pharmaceutical products are for mental health conditions—that’s where most of us land when it comes to nutrition psychiatry.
May 6, 2021It may seem like a relatively new issue, but really, the dieting vs intuitive eating debate is just the latest incarnation of an age-old dilemma: is it better to plow through obstacles or go around them?
May 6, 2021While the real heroes of Greek and North mythology sustained themselves on nectar, ambrosia, and mead, modern-day actors on the superhero diet have to settle for considerably less elysian fare—think grilled chicken, and lots of it.
May 5, 2021The very existence (not to mention, empirically proven success) of the longevity diet requires many of us to refresh our own understanding of aging, which is not a function of time alone.
May 5, 2021Just a few centuries ago, wealthy aristocrats would have chuckled wryly over the rims of their fancy goblets at the thought of six-pack abs, which were considered a mark of the peasantry.
May 5, 2021Normally, we’re content to bounce around new and/or controversial theories on nutritional concepts all day, but every so often, we have the luxury of seeing in black and white.
May 5, 2021This may seem like a fun-killing exercise at first, but we’re not interested in coddling or pandering to our readers, so let’s get the harsh reality out of the way: most of us haven’t earned the right to binge on vacation.
May 5, 2021“X thing you love causes cancer” is quickly entering The Boy Who Cried Wolf territory—we’ve all heard it so many times that we are becoming jaded.
May 5, 2021Nutrition is for losing belly fat, and overpriced, medicated goop is for hair loss—that’s how most of us are conditioned to think.
May 5, 2021In actuality, metabolism refers to any chemical reaction taking place at the cellular level in living organisms—many of them having nothing to do with weight loss.
March 31, 2021Practitioners and teachers of true breatharianism do not believe in eating food or drinking water; they believe that they can survive on “prana” (the Hindu concept of energy or lifeblood) provided from solar rays, the air, and the energy around them.
March 31, 2021Not only is lactose intolerance common, it’s so prevalent across the world, doctors are hesitant to even acknowledge it as a diagnosable condition.
March 31, 2021Junk food and fast food companies have become so adept at milking our prehistorically rooted cravings for fat, salt, and simple carbs that they don’t even need to hide their tricks anymore.
March 31, 2021We often stress the importance of seeking out the healthiest versions of wrongfully stigmatized nutrients (i.e., fat and carbs) instead of avoiding them, a concept that the Mediterranean diet embodies perfectly.
March 31, 2021Intermittent fasting typifies this concept to the letter, as the diet’s somewhat polarizing debut (or rather, comeback) in recent years played over a clattering din of celebrity support on social media, a wave of fitness and nutrition books, and other highly visible mentions.
March 31, 2021To question something so well-ingrained into centuries-old mealtime norms may seem foolish at first, but modern science grants free passes to no one.
March 31, 2021It’s hard to preach the perils of being underweight as the phrase “obesity epidemic” ages into its fourth decade, but still, weighing too little can pose serious health risks in both short-term and long-term scenarios.
March 31, 2021It’s no surprise that present-day Americans struggling against unprecedented obesity rates would romanticize the idea of a pre-industrial diet—you can’t “cheat” if there’s nothing to cheat with.
February 21, 2021There’s something disarming about seeing the word “corn,” “safflower,” or “vegetable” sandwiched between fifteen-letter-long preservatives on food labels, which is one reason why unhealthy vegetable oils have evaded serious criticism for so long.
February 21, 2021Navigating the current knowledge base in regards to brain-boosting foods often feels strangely paradoxical, like we know too much and not enough at the same time.
January 4, 2021Turmeric inhabits an interesting place (or rather, several places) in the ever-evolving health supplement industry.
January 4, 2021In the same way that chemistry students create reactions using a variety of compounds, our bodies rely on a special roster of positively and negatively charged minerals to execute a wide variety of internal “reactions,” or functions.
January 4, 2021Perhaps “screen junky” isn’t a label befitting someone who is required to stare at screens all day for work, but whether you’re working, binging a show, gaming, or all of the above, you may notice some eye health issues start to develop as a result of heavy screen use.
January 4, 2021The raw-egg-swilling, beef-battering protagonist of the beloved Rocky franchise may have meant well, but as it turns out, the raw egg scene turned classic trope was all for not.
January 4, 2021On state and federal levels, the US government and regulating bodies across the world have had their mobility and flexibility put to the test by COVID-19.
January 4, 2021Diet food and some mainstream brands like to latch onto phrases like “zero trans fat,” “no added sugar,” and so on to signal how healthy their products supposedly are.
January 4, 2021This macronutrient contributes heavily to brain development, communication between nerve cells, insulation and protection of sensitive tissues.
December 29, 2020Fat gets a bad rap, mainly because it’s oversimplified.
December 15, 2020The majority of herbal sleep aids under objective scrutiny have been proven safe and non-addictive; that’s not the hard part when it comes to making it through the vetting process and into common use.
December 15, 2020It’s human nature to assign priority based on how much of a particular nutrient is required, but by fixating on macronutrients like calcium, potassium, and so on, we’ve created a gaping blind spot in public knowledge.
December 15, 2020While fitness and dieting experts dominate the nutrition conversation using weight loss and muscle growth as their only criteria for quality, the memory-boosting effects of nootropics continue to go underappreciated.
December 15, 2020Even if your seafood aversion requires a generous shellacking of tartar sauce every time you can’t avoid eating fish, we can’t emphasize enough how important it is to have fish at least a few times a month.
December 15, 2020Sugar, salt, and fat have presided over the American food industry as a tyrannical threesome for some time now, and thanks to their massive success, they’re well cemented into the infrastructure.
December 15, 2020Ashwagandha is a small, bushy plant native to India, the Middle East, and some regions of Africa.
December 15, 2020If you’ve just started paying closer attention to your protein intake for fitness and/or general wellness purposes, you may find yourself feeling overloaded with information.
December 15, 2020Unfortunately, most lye-cured olives have been sapped of a sizable portion of their nutrients by the time they get anywhere near your table, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still reap the health benefits of this ancient fruit.
December 15, 2020It’s been a decade or more since taurine made its way out of obscurity using the global stage that is the energy drink label, but the public knowledge gap is still going strong.
December 15, 2020Everyone knows what carbs and fats do—at least on the surface—but the mention of trace minerals like magnesium tends to elicit a less confident reply.
December 15, 2020Virtually any problem that even subtly shifts your body out of its natural balance, i.e., homeostasis, has the potential to keep you awake at night.
December 15, 2020Sure, gravity wins in the end, but that doesn’t mean we can’t use everything at our disposal to keep our weight-bearing joints from breaking down prematurely.
November 16, 2020Energy drinks and sugary snacks may be louder, sweeter, and faster-acting than natural sources of sugar, but rarely are those benefits conferred without some form of reckoning down the road.
November 16, 2020Subscribe now and never miss anything about the topics important to you and your health.